My family has been gone a lot this summer. I was kind of melting down the other day with Nate. OK, this is exactly what I said, “Nate, could you please just stop talking. Like, right now, stop talking. Just. Stop.” Nice, huh?
Usually I handle this single parenting gig ok when Nathan’s gone on one of his trips so I wasn’t sure what was going on. Then I started to think and realized that by the time this summer is over, we will have been apart for 1/3 of it! And that also includes my daughter, Laura. Every time he’s gone, he takes my right hand man, er, woman, Laura.
We live in a culture where a 14-year-old is expected to be an obnoxious, rebellious kid. But, Nathan and I disagree and have raised Laura with a different set of expectations. We let her know from the very beginning that in most times past and in most cultures, at 14, she’d be considered an adult, capable of raising her own family and heading her own home. So, although there are moments of What in the heck are you THINKING!?? for the most part, Laura handles herself like a mini-adult around here. Which is very helpful to me. Imagine having another woman in your house that you really, really enjoy. And then imagine having her gone. I miss her!
1. There’s no one to laugh with. I like to laugh. Oh, you noticed? Yeah, well the humor around here has been lowered to the level of burps this week. Not. Funny. At all. The only time I ended up laughing hysterically this week was when I was IM-ing my friend, Lindsey who is deployed. That’s just kinda pathetic and sad. My boys looked at me like I had lost it. I was sitting at my computer laughing like a hyena. I knew there was someone else laughing just as hard 5000 miles away, but that’s kinda weird, isn’t it? When Laura’s here, we have all these private jokes that only we get. They usually surface during family devotions. Nathan will be reading the Bible very seriously and either Laura or I will snort and get the giggles. He will look up all confused and say, “What? Are you laughing at me?” Which makes us laugh harder, because yes, a lot of times we are! No one said the pastor’s family was more holy than yours, sorry to burst your bubble here folks.
2. I had to clean my own bathroom this week. My theory was always: have kids for the slave labor. And I finally have kids old enough to do all the chores! Yes!!! I cook and do laundry and the gardening and they do all the rest. What? Don’t judge me, you know you want to be me. I puked for a total of 27 months. That’s 2 1/2 YEARS people. I earned the slave labor! Come home, Laura. My bathroom is getting dirty again.
3. I’m doing her job for her. I don’t mind letting our neighbor’s dogs out. They’re pretty cute and sometimes I like the fuzz therapy, but one of them has it in for me. Laura knows all of Chico’s tricks. He doesn’t try any of them on her. Earlier this week I went to let them out and Murphy came to the door, smiling (yes, chihuahua’s smile), and went to do his business, and Chico instantly ran behind the deck table. I decided to foil him and ran the opposite way. He then ran the other way, and around and around we went like this 3 or 4 times. Chico was laughing, I swear. (yes, chihuahua’s laugh!) Finally, I stopped and yelled, “Chico! You are being a pain in the butt!” It doesn’t work to try to reason with a chihuahua. I know. I tried.
4. Laura is brilliant at keeping her brothers entertained. I’m the mom so I know I should be the one to do this, but I can’t think up stuff in the summer. Good grief, I keep them busy all school year, give me three months break, ok? This week they keep coming inside and crying, “It’s too hot outside, there’s too many bugs!” Waaaaaa! I threatened them with schoolwork finally and that worked, but I know Laura would have made up a scavenger hunt or something cool like that. Considering that most 14 year-old sisters would be in their rooms with their doors locked to keep their pesky brothers out, I think she’s a pretty cool kid.
5. She’s also my running partner. We’re training for a 5K. Laura runs. I haven’t up until a month ago. So, having her encouragement is super nice. I’ve been running this week, but it’s not as fun as having my friend along.
6. You know what else? Laura is just an all around fun person. She’s my daughter, so obviously I love her, but she’s also my friend. I’ve grown to enjoy her company. I miss the female company. The presence in the kitchen when we cook dinner. The talks at night.
Come to think of it, I don’t think I’m going to let her go to college in a few years. Who will I talk to then!? Who will get my jokes!? I’m panicking just thinking about it!
Come home Laura! I miss you.
so sweet molly! I strive for that same relationship and teaching with my Ellie!