Sunday, January 8, 2012

Not Me!!!

I know everyone thinks I have three children, but in actuality there is a fourth, unseen, little gnome that lives around here. I’ve never actually seen him, but I know he exists. His name is Notme. Sometimes I feel Notme’s presence behind me and I think if turn around really fast I’ll see his shadow fleeing down the hallway. I also have a sneaking suspicion that Notme lives in other homes as well.

How do I know for certain Notme exists?

Q: “Who left the empty milk jug in the fridge?”

A: “Notme!”

Q: “Who was the last one to go to the bathroom without replacing the toilet paper!?”

A: “Notme!”

Q: “There was an entire package of Oreos this morning and now only 3 left. Who ate them all?”

A: “Notme!”

Q: “Who wants to help me with dinner?”

A: “Notme!”

Notme also has two brothers that show up from time to time. Their names are Idon’tknow and What!?

I do have another sneaking suspicion though that Notme, Idon’tknow and What look something like this:

Enger Tower-4

Let me know if you’ve seen them!