Monday, August 2, 2010

Full House

This week my sister’s family stayed here with us. And having them here made me realize something: Our houses are too big in America. Honestly, 10 people in my large 4 bedroom home didn’t cramp my style too much. Yeah, it was full, but we fed everyone and had room for everyone. There is no reason that I couldn’t have six or eight kids living here.

Nathan and I have always taken seriously God’s admonition in James 1:27, “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

Many of you know we’ve been foster parents for 3 years, but lately we’ve felt the call to step up our care of the orphan. We have begun the process of adoption. We hope, Lord willing, within the next year to adopt an African-American baby. And if God opens the doors, our home is open to as many more children as he allows.

On Friday night, God opened yet another door in this process.  We met the neatest family while attending a homeschool group. This family had already raised five biological kids and were now raising 7, count ‘em, 7 adopted black boys. While each had issues they were dealing with, they were delightful boys, and these parents were joyfully parenting to the glory of God. 7 more children off the streets, out of the foster care system, no longer orphans but children with parents who love them. It “just so happened” that this family is part of a support group of families of adopted black children and invited us to be a part of this group as we proceed with our adoption and the mom writes adoption grants for a living! Wow. Adoption is not cheap and the only way for most of us to adopt, unless you are Angelina Jolie, is to apply for grants, and here was a woman who does this for a living. She was ready and willing to help us walk through this scary and overwhelming process. Just another confirmation from God that we are on the right path.

Following Christ is risky, crazy sometimes and definitely counter culture.  I know my house is quite comfortable as it is, but I would like my house to be a little less comfortable and a little more cramped. I want a full-house on earth and a crown of righteousness in heaven.

1 comment:

  1. You should check Leslie and Kevin Hausman's new ministry called Giving Hope. This is a ministry for adoptive families. We will be praying for you guys!
