Saturday, November 21, 2009

Three Deer!

This year my dad and I have been deer hunting again. We have been going on sombody elses land. Well we set up our stand and I was all ready to shoot myself a deer since my dad got to shoot a bear first and then my bear quit coming in to my bait station. So my dad has gotten all the luck. So I was ready to go out and shoot myself a nice ole'buck.(I wanted a 12 pointer) Well we got out there opener morning and we saw nothing but, we did hear 82 shots the first morning!!! Well we went out lots more and did not see a thing. Then my dad saw a deer thinking it was a big one only to find that it was a small little fawn.(sure tastes good)
We went out the next day and it was raining pretty hard all morning, but I was determined to get a deer because we were told that there were lots of deer by our stand. I told my dad the reason they will not come to me is because they know I will shoot them. Well anyways this morning I was very tired and I told my dad I would go out with him in the afternoon and that he could go out in the morning by himself. So he went out and of course shot three deer. That is the end of our deer season so after many hours of waiting this year maybe those stupid deer will forget about me and I will be able to shoot my 12 point buck plus a couple more doe for my mother.(She only likes the tender doe meat.) So next year Lord willing I will have the biggest bear and deer!!!(So I can show my dad that I can shoot the big animals too)

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