We just passed a holiday that seems to get Christians in a tizzy. For some reason Halloween causes some Christians to get a little upset. Suddenly we hear buzz words like, “Satan’s Day” and “evil holiday.” These well-meaning people hide in their homes with their porch lights off or have alternate celebrations in their churches with their kids dressed up as Bible characters. To me, this all seems just a little bizarre. The last time I checked my Bible it still says, “Greater is He that is in YOU than He that is in THE WORLD!”
I’m especially puzzled by this behavior by my fellow pastors and missionaries. But regardless of our occupations, as Christians we have a mandate from Christ.
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do men light a lamp, and put it under the peck-measure, but on the lampstand; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-16
Now obviously everyone has to follow his own conscience, so feel free to disagree, but ever since I was a little girl my parents have done a great job of having an open home, reaching out to their neighbors and engaging their culture without compromising their faith. I’ve trick or treated since I was a child. My parents have always known and reached out to the families and kids in any neighborhood we lived in. I also was fully aware that dressing up as anything that smacked of the occult was off limits; i.e. witches, devils, etc. As Nathan and I have begun to raise our family, we have done the same. We have taken our kids out trick or treating and handed out candy to scores of little dressed up kids. What a fabulous opportunity to visit with the families around us!
This year, our church sponsored a Trick-or-Treat Out-a-Reach in Gary/New Duluth, a community 3 miles from Fond du Lac, in a trailer park by the local elementary school. We set up a big tent in a central location, decorated it with lights, filled 250 bags with gobs of candy, juice boxes and a little card explaining why we were doing this. We had free hot chocolate for the chilly parents and we also visited with the parents while the kids got the candy to see if they were interested in a turkey dinner that our church would provide free of charge and deliver in time for Thanksgiving. Cost of all of this to the trick or treaters? Free. Expectations? None, no strings attached. Reason? Well, that question was clearly etched on many a face that night.
It was awesome to see parents eyes get bigger and bigger as their kids were handed an enormous bag of candy, and a bunch of glow sticks. Then another person would offer the parents hot chocolate. They were all cold, as the temperature hovered around freezing. Oh my, yes they wanted a hot drink and it was free!? And then when we offered the free meal? Only one person all night turned me down on that one.
So why did we do that? Well, basically what our little card said was this: We love Jesus, plain and simple. We seek to glorify him in all we say and do. Serving our community is one way to do that.
My kids came along, as did Pastor Bryan’s kids and also a few other families’ children. How wonderful for kids to learn at an early age to serve and give instead of get! On the way home Daniel, age 8 said, “Oh it was so hard to be around all that candy and give it all away and not have any!” But, he did! Without complaining, with a cheerful attitude. I was so proud of him! He learned to be unselfish and to do something difficult; to have the heart of a servant, of the Servant, who “came to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.”
We’re called to be salt and light. Food’s pretty bland without salt and people stumble around in darkness without a light. So, just think about it. How can you be salt and light to the world around you? Don’t hide your light; let it shine.
Very cool outreach! I always liked Jayne's idea of giving people baked goods as she and her kids visited and trick or treated. I wasn't organized enough to pull that off this year!