Head’s up shoe lovers!!! Molly’s shoe blog continues!!! It’s time to roll out the winter collection! Starting with this perfect, little gem of a shoe that my husband, no less, brought me home last week for my Christmas tree:
Setting up the Christmas tree has always been a beloved ritual, usually the week-end after Thanksgiving. Some people shop on Black Friday, but not me. I love to cozy up in my house with Christmas music, leftovers, and hot chocolate and pull out the Christmas decorations. Nathan knew he was in for it this morning when I uttered the “T” word.
“Get the tree,” I exclaimed!
This year we decided that Nathan and I would set up the tree and the kids would do all the lights and decorations. We agreed that if it was less than perfect that was ok. If our friends come to our house at Christmas for the perfect decorations, the cleanliness and the food, they’re not true friends. Hopefully, they’re coming to see US! So, please, come visit, anytime, but as the old saying goes, “If you’re coming to see my house, make an appointment! But, if you’re coming to see me, come on in!”
My tree is an eclectic collection of ornaments. Growing up, my mom got my sister and I a new ornament every year, and I have carried on that tradition with my children. Most years our ornaments have something to do with our personalities or the previous year’s activities. My least favorite ornament is a brass guitar with the words “Amazing Grace” on it. That was a reminder of the year I was learning to play guitar. The very first solo I ever played in church was “Amazing Grace”. I was not very good, and my guitar was out of tune. I guess that ornament reminds me to stay humble when I hang it on the tree every year, but I’m glad I’ve improved since then! Last year I bought the kids skiing and snowboarder ornaments.
So, it meant a lot to me that Nathan #1 bought me an ornament and #2 bought me a little shoe. He teases me enough about my extensive shoe collection, and he’s the one who has to live with it. If you haven’t noticed we’re on day 47 and we doubled up a few days. I checked back. So far, I’ve written about 50 pairs of shoes. Yes, that’s right. Half a hundred pairs of shoes, and we still have most of my winter shoes to go. So, yeah, Nathan puts up with a lot. For instance, my side of the closet is all shoes.
All. Shoes.
My clothes are in the guest room.
Hello. My name is Molly and I’m a shoeaholic. I don’t expect to reform anytime soon. Sorry.
It was with great pride I put my sparkly red shoe on the tree.
Front and center.
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