They started the morning at 6 a.m. here in Duluth. We had to get up early to drive to Winona, MN. A dear, saint from our first church down there had gone to heaven last week, and her memorial service was yesterday. My high heels held me up while I remembered Jane and while I hugged some of my most favorite people on earth; members of our first church, the Pickwick Community Church. Oh, it was so good to see their smiling, loving faces and hear them exclaim, “We’ve missed you! I can’t believe you’re here! My how your children have grown!”
They also took me to the Winona Country Kitchen for lunch, my one and only job during my time in the ministry. The owner, Butch Bierly, still owns it and remembered me. I loved waitressing at Country Kitchen. It was well-managed and sort of like a big family. Butch was like the dad, and our manager, Scott, like our big brother. But, I’ve never regretted quitting to take care of my babies full-time.
Later, we drove up Garvin Heights, which feels almost exactly like driving up 40th Ave. here in Duluth, to visit and stay with our friends the Schwab’s. If you looked up the word “friend” in the dictionary, Ben and Judy’s names would be there next to it. When we first moved to Winona and I had Laura, I was looking for a Bible Study to attend. I was 22 years old and a “newbie” basically. Judy was 34 years old and a seasoned mom by then, but never made me feel less than worthy. She took me under her wing and into her home and Bible study, and we were fast friends. She was my friend through a lot of my first “crisis” moments. Losing our baby, Jess, being the biggest one. Judy and I have both grown through our friendship with each other.
When our most difficult trial ever came upon us, a violent attack on our home and our lives in the middle of the night by a drunken neighbor, Ben and Judy accepted our frantic call and took us and our frightened children into their home. They cried with us and prayed with us, and allowed us to make their home, our home for several days while we tried to find some stable footing, as our world had been turned topsy turvy by the attack. Ultimately, the violence led us away from Winona, and our friends prayed and cried with us again, as we packed, but we’ve always remained close friends.
Later that afternoon, Nathan and I drove out to Pickwick and our first home and church. My black stilettos walked the lawn and sidewalk of our first home. How bittersweet! The trees we had planted as seedlings 10-15 years ago were now HUGE and beautiful!
I once more bent over to take a picture of my tiny daughter’s handprint in the sidewalk Nathan had carefully crafted 12 years before.
And then we said good-bye, this time probably for good, which brought tears to my eyes. This picture will tell you why:
I don’t understand God’s purposes in moving us away from Pickwick and closing the church there, but I know for the 6 years we were there, He used us as willing vessels to touch and change lives.
One life that I know was touched was my friend Sara. She was the first person I ever met and befriended. I wasn’t sure if she still lived in her house down the road, but I thought we’d drive by and see, and she was sitting on her porch. “Stop the van!” I yelled. Nathan slammed on the brakes, and I jumped out of the van. The look on Sara’s face was priceless! And worth it! She invited us in, and we visited with her and her children for awhile.
And then, my shoe took an interesting trip. Her chocolate lab was chewing on something and we were watching him, but not paying much attention. Suddenly we both realized it was one of my shoes!!!! Good thing they’re not expensive shoes! Thankfully, Rex didn’t put any bite marks in them. But, even if he had, I wouldn’t care. Good friends are worth far more than a pair of shoes!
Last, but certainly, not least. My lovely, well-worn by this time, shoes, took me to LaCrosse, WI. Nathan and I were celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary, and we decided to go to our favorite restaurant, Piggy’s, along the Mississippi River. We had a lovely, romantic dinner and a walk along the river.
Through all the moves, all the ups and downs of life, and all the pairs of shoes I have bought and worn, one thing has remained constant and the biggest blessing to me in my life, and that is the faithfulness and love of my husband the past 16 years of marriage. I am so blessed to have him as my partner and best friend in this amazing journey we have found ourselves on.
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