“Marilla,” she demanded presently, “do you think that I shall ever have a bosom friend in Avonlea?”
“A-a what kind of friend?”
“A bosom friend – an intimate friend, you know – a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul. I’ve dreamed of meeting her all my life. . . .Do you think it’s possible?”
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
An online dictionary defined kindred spirit as “someone who thinks and feels as you do.”
For many years I wondered the same thing as Anne. Do you think it’s possible that I could find a kindred spirit? Today, I realize, like Anne, that kindred spirits are not as scarce as I once thought. I can think of several special gals that each are kindred spirits and fill a unique role in my life.
One such friend is, Lindsay. Currently she is deployed with the US Navy overseas. We are so similar she often calls us “sisters from different misters.” That’s where these shoes come in:
Lindsay and I are both girly-girls who love to shop and goof around together. Last fall I was shopping at Charlotte Russe and saw these shoes and instantly knew I. Had. To. Have. Them. In fact, I bought the shoes first and THEN bought the dress for my sister’s wedding based on these shoes, not the other way around.
I said something to Lindsay on the phone about the most amazing shoes I’d gotten at Charlotte Russe and she instantly knew what I had bought. She exclaimed, “You bought those grey, ruffled peep-toe 4-inch shoes, didn’t you!?”
I was like, “Yes! How did you know?”
“Because,” she replied. “I was in Charlotte Russe last week and saw the exact same shoe and instantly knew I needed those shoes, but knew I was about to be deployed and had quite an argument with myself before I decided not to buy them. But, I had a feeling you’d find them and buy them for yourself.”
I had to laugh. Please note, Lindsay lives in Virginia Beach and I am up here in Duluth, MN. So, I posted the picture of the shoe on Facebook, so she could at least enjoy the shoe vicariously. And I think of her every time I wear them. I can’t wait til she gets home from her deployment. I’m planning to go visit her and we’ll shop til we drop and laugh til the wee hours of the morning.
"Friendship is one mind in two bodies."
~ Mencius
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