At our house we have always done spiritual birthdays. A spiritual birthday is when the day when we became a part of Christ’s family! So whenever it is somebody’s spiritual b-day we always celebrate with Angel Food Cake(I sure hope you got that “Angel” food cake) and strawberries.Oh and don’t forget the whip cream. And usually for the kids we get a new Bible or a necklace with a cross. Something that represents our faith.
Well when I was younger I was in a Sunday School class and we were talking about when we became Christians. I brought up spiritual birthdays. I remember it all. Everyone was silent for a second and then they ask what was a spiritual birthday! I thought they were just joking! Doesn’t everyone celebrate their spiritual b-days? I figured out that it was only my family that did that. But I thought that was really cool to be the only ones who did that!
So every year we get excited for our spiritual birthdays. My parents though always have a way of turning the celebration of ourselves becoming a Christian to Christ choosing us into a life with Him. So over the years I have learned to thank Jesus Christ for my faith. Cause to be a Christian you have to have complete trust in Jesus. He has to be the whole part of your life. So how could we celebrate our identity in Christ without having Him being the main focus? So over the years I have grown to make Him that center of my life. Although I will admit some times that is hard to do. Cause as people we think we are better than everybody else! But we are not!!!
So on this day I am proud to say that my mother has made Christ the center of her life for 32 years! Praise Jesus!
She is a wonderful mother that can do anything and everything for Christ. She even made that delicious apple pie for Christ!
-Laura Sahlberg
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