Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Every year when I go to Mexico I am the youngest in the group. Not always the best thing in the world! You’d think I would get pampered but, no of course not I just get the worst jobs ever!

Well that is what I thought! I thought that I had all the “after thought” jobs. The first year I went I was twelve and not old enough or strong enough to do the work that everyone else could do so I was the water girl. Which was a very good job because I was making sure that everyone was hydrated! Everyone everyone except one person. Myself!! So well everyone else was hydrated and fine I was stuck in bed vomiting for 2 days. Well I learned my lesson all right but I felt very unusful! Everybody else did amazing things well I laid in bed sick!IMG_0584 IMG_0604


Well the very next year I went to LaLoma. Which is the other little town we go to. Everybody had a job there. Except me! I would help haul prickly branches for awhile and then they would not need me anymore. Or I would hand the guys tools since they were doing electrical work. But that was not enough work for a whole day. So I would go ask our youth pastor what job he wanted me to do and he would say go clean up garbage in the yard. And let me tell you there is so much garbage in that yard it was nuts! So I would do that for awhile till somebody needed something done real quick and then i would go ask for another job and guess what I had to do! Pick up garbage! I think I picked up an huge black yard sack full! 

Well this year I am going to be 14 when I go. And I am ready for some hard work. But I am still the youngest and I was feeling pretty unexcited for some pansy job I was going to do. I was thinking about how unuseful I thought I was being. Until my grandma sent me this verse and it boosted my spirits!

Hebrews 6:10                                                                                

“For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and still ministering to the saints.”

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