Eph. 4:32 "And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you."
Today's been one of those days, one of those, girls and hormone days. And there's two girls living here, so it's been a not-so-fun day. A day to practice patience, tender-heartedness and forgiveness. I admit I've made faces and strangling motions behind my daughter's back today. My boys have steered clear, probably of both of us! Laura's even been frustrated because the computer is just too darn slow for her today! We had to re-start the computer because she was so impatient with it, she got it all locked up.
A family gives us many opportunities to practice patience and forgiveness. We are often on our worst behavior with our families. But, I believe that we are to be our most loving selves with our families, the ones we truly love best in the world.
So, today I'm gonna choose to love the little darlin', hormones and all. After all, they're often very patient with me in my, not-so-nice times, too. And God is ALWAYS patient and slow to anger, abounding in love to me when I least deserve it.
What a shock to find out that there are the same issues with boys and hormones! So, you've challenged me today to be patient and slow to anger with my emotional-roller-coaster son.