What is it about the human pysche that abhors change? I’m tired today. I faced a lot of change, just running errands. Three bad changes, and one admittedly awesome change.
The first was the massive re-arranging of my local grocery store. Really!? Why, SuperOne, why!? Why are all the organic products placed randomly throughout the store on bump out shelves in every single aisle? What is the rhyme and reason? Why are the chips now in aisle 2 instead of the last aisle? What was wrong with the deli in the back of the store and why in the world is there now a big DITCH in the middle of the produce section!? I can only assume several, oh-so-intelligent men who never grocery shop, EVER, EVER, EVER, decided on this change.
Then I went to Wendy’s for lunch. Wendy’s. Who has the best fries in the whole world. And has had the best fries in the whole world for like, what? 25 years? Now they have, “natural cut fries with sea salt.” WHY!? They’re ok, but they’re not the best fries in the whole world anymore.
And of course, we can’t fail to mention the wonderful, changeable weather here in Duluth. Yesterday I enjoyed a perfect Spring day. 73, balmy, sunny. Today, 35 mph winds, 36 degrees, driving rain. Glad I didn’t let Nathan put my down coat away yet.
I admit, all this frustrating change was getting me down until I went to Target. Have I ever said before that I love Target? Yeah, I do. I loved it when they “changed” and got a grocery section, and today I noticed where an exit used to be there was a new sign behind a piece of plastic. Oh. My. Word. What was that sign, shining like a lighthouse of hope in my future? STARBUCKS!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!! At last. A good, fabulous, fantastic change in my world! I can shop at Target to my heart’s content AND get a cinnamon dolce latte on my way out!
Change is inevitable in our world and I suppose we might as well get used to it. Those who are flexible, roll with the changes and even learn from them. Those who are stubborn and hard, only get broken by change. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that made me laugh. It said, “Blessed are the flexible, they never get bent out of shape.”
So, I guess I can learn to navigate my new grocery store, and put on my stupid coat and scarf again, AND ok the fries were alright. And I can definitely get behind a Starbucks at Target. And the bigger, less fun changes in my life, well, maybe I can learn from them too.
Grow or get out of the way.